The Muse Strikes Back
The Poets' Grimm: 20th Century Poems from Grimm Fairy Tales
Orpheus and Company: Contemporary Poems on Greek Mythology
Anita Endrezze: Throwing Fire at the Sun, Water at the Moon
Anne Carson: Autobiography of Red
Anne Sexton: Trans- formations
Brian Barker: The Animal Gospels
Brigit Pegeen Kelly: Song
Brigit Pegeen Kelly: The Orchard
Carol Ann Duffy: The World's Wife
Carolyn Dunn: Outfoxing Coyote
Catherynne M. Valente: Apocrypha
Catherynne M. Valente: Oracles: A Pilgrimage
Chana Bloch: Mrs. Dumpty
Faye George: A Wound on Stone
Gregory Orr: Orpheus & Eurydice
Jane Yolen & Nancy Willard: Among Angels: Poems
Jeanne Marie Beaumont: Curious Conduct
Jeannine, Hall Gailey: Becoming the Villainess
Joseph Stanton: Imaginary Museum: Poems on Art
Joy Harjo: How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems 1975-2001
Juan Felipe Herrera: Thunderweavers: Tejedoras De Rayos
Kate Hovey: Ancient Voices
Laurie Kutchins: Slope of the Child Everlasting: Poems
Linda Hogan: The Book of Medicines: Poems
Lisa Russ Spaar: Glass Town
Lisel Mueller: Alive Together: New and Selected Poems
Liz Lochhead: Dreaming Frankenstein
Louise Erdrich: Original Fire
Louise Gluck: Meadowlands
Luci Tapahonso: Saanii Dahataat: The Women Are Singing
Margaret Atwood: Morning in the Burned House
Margarita Engle: The Poet Slave of Cuba: A Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano
Mary Oliver: New and Selected Poems
Nathalie Anderson: Crawlers
nila northSun: A Snake In Her Mouth: Poems
Olga Broumas: Beginning With O
Paula Gunn Allen: Life Is a Fatal Disease: Selected Poems 1964-1994
Philip Lamantia: Bed of Sphinxes
Randall Jarrell: Selected Poems
Roald Dahl: Revolting Rhymes
Sandra M. Gilbert: Blood Pressure
Sonya Taaffe: Postcards from the Province of Hyphens
Ted Hughes: Crow
Vijay Seshadri: The Long Meadow: Poems
William F. Van Wert: Proper Myth