"Lords of the Ring" (for Alan Lee) by Ari Berk
"Cherokee Girl" (song lyrics) by Charles de Lint
"Letters to Verona" by Margarita Engle
"Memory of Metal" by Margarita Engle
"Modern Scribes" by Margarita Engle
"Lost Boys" by Wendy Froud
"The Ophelia Cantos" by Theodora Goss
"The Glowing Heart of the World" (song lyrics) by Brian Andrew Laird
"Scars" by Munro Sickafoose
"May 28" by Ellen Steiber
"Three Love Prayers for Beckie" by Alan Weisman
"Weaver's Cottage" by Terri Windling
"Family Stories" by Jane Yolen
"Winter is no time" by Jane Yolen
"Praise for Dark Movements Toy Theatre" by Marly Youmans.