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May 19, 2008


That song, I've always loved it. It was the song that made me fall in love with the band. I mean, how can you not like a song inspired by a classic western?

Alas, I work that night, so unless I can sucker someone else into switching shifts with me, I shall once again miss a Calexico concert in Tucson. Dangit!

Thanks for posting that video. I don't know how I managed to not know about these guys until now. I see they're going to be performing in Detroit on July 5th and since that's only about 40 miles from me, I'll be there. Thanks and thanks again!

This calls for a glass of Absinthe!

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About this blog

  • The Journal of Mythic Arts was a pioneering online magazine dedicated to Mythic Arts: literary, visual, and performance arts inspired by myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Published by The Endicott Studio, co-edited by Terri Windling & Midori Snyder, JoMA ran from 1997 to 2008.

    This blog was active from 2006 - 2008, and is kept online as an archive only. Please note that no new material has been posted since 2008, and links have not been updated.

    For more recent discussions of Mythic Arts, fantasy literature, and related topics, visit Terri Windling's Myth & Moor and Midori Snyder's Into the Labyrinth.

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