Here's a lovely video from Antigone Magazine, a Canadian journal whose mission is to inspire young women to engage politically and civically. The video is part of their Dreams for Women project, which they invite you to participate in. Here's the description:
"Antigone Magazine is launching a Feminist Postcard art project and fundraiser, but instead of asking what your secrets are [as per PostSecret], we want to know what your Dreams for Women are. What are your own dreams for yourself, your friends, your sisters, your daughters? Paint, draw, write, sketch or decoupage your dreams on a postcard and send it to us."
For more information (and to see copies of the postcards they've received so far) go here.
(via Feministing)
Apologies for going Egalitarian Guy on you, but just about everything in there applied to men, too. As for the prime minister bit, after Maggie Thatcher--
But, yes, a fine video, and I gave 'em four stars on youtube.
Posted by: will shetterly | March 07, 2008 at 09:59 AM