I am fascinated by Canadian sculptor Brian Jungen's remarkable work, using Nike sneakers and human hair to create these stunning mythic masks (very reminiscent of Pacific Northwest Indian art). The black, white, and red Air Jordons share the same bold palette as many Native American artifacts. Jungen is particularly intriqued by the way meaning is layered when a familiar object is repositioned to evoke something entirely different.
Of this exhibit, Prototypes of New Understanding, Jungen says: "It was interesting to see how by simply manipulating the Air Jordan shoes you could evoke specific cultural traditions whilst simultaneously amplifying the process of cultural corruption and assimilation. The Nike mask sculptures seemed to articulate a paradoxical relationship between a consumerist artefact and an 'authentic' native artifact."
You can see more of his work (including a fabulous Whale skeleton made entirely out of white plastic chairs) at the Catriona Jeffries Gallery, and do stop by the Cyber Muse page of the National Gallery of Canada to view short interview clips with Jungen discussing his art and inspirations.
Ah, this I love!! It is good to see Nike shoes - with all their horrible history - transformed into artifacts of such curious beauty. I love the mask.
Posted by: Dante's Heart | March 07, 2008 at 02:57 PM