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November 01, 2007


Love the new format. Classy. And _very_ glad to hear that you'll be publishing the Endicott Journal year round instead of quarterly. (More, more, more for us! Fantastic!)

I don't comment that often, but this occasion reminds me that we ought to tell you now and then how much we appreciate all you do. Oh, and the new Endicott kids page is great.

The new look is lovely!

This is lovely. Best of luck with the new format.

Only my 2nd comment, but I'm a long-time follower of the site. The new format is absolutely wonderful! I love the custom recommended literature and quotes on the right side (depending on what page you are on...non-fiction on the article page, poetry books on the poetry page).

There seems to be SO much more available, but I suspect it was all there, just in a harder-to-reach place.

I love it!

Thank you so much for all these wonderful responses! And Grace, I am delighted that you now find more of the material accessible -- that was one of our goals for the new design!

Love the new look.

Love the blog.

Great stuff all around.

Very good new look to the site, congratulations.

Another silent reader finally speaking up here. I too appreciate all you do. The re-design is lovely. I like the way it re-presents some of the older material, allowing me to find treasures I've missed before. Like Grace, I'm wondering if there's much more material now, or if it's simply presented in a way that I can access Endicott's rich store of mythic information more easily. Either way, it's a job well done, ladies. Congratulations.

Great new look. Congratulations.

Ms Snyder, both Julie and I hope that this means you'll have more time for writing articles as well as fiction. With all due respect to Ms. Windling and the other writers, we love In Praise of the Cook and The Armless Maiden and we'd both llove to read more of your nonfiction. I hope others are in the works?

Congratulations! (albeit belatedly). I love the new look, it's gorgeous and the content makes this one of my favourite reads (and LJ feeds) because _there's always content worth reading_. That's saying a lot.

Great new format - very clean and 'friendly'. It looks like you are no longer featuring 'online exhibits' of individual artists? At least not in the same way? (Maybe this will be included in your "Other" art links?) That was one of my favorite features of your quarterly mag, I hope it will continue at least occasionally.

Thanks for your feedback on the site design, everyone. And also for your very kind comments, which Midori and I truly appreciate.

Tara, we will indeed continue to post "online exhibitions" periodically -- don't worry!

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About this blog

  • The Journal of Mythic Arts was a pioneering online magazine dedicated to Mythic Arts: literary, visual, and performance arts inspired by myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Published by The Endicott Studio, co-edited by Terri Windling & Midori Snyder, JoMA ran from 1997 to 2008.

    This blog was active from 2006 - 2008, and is kept online as an archive only. Please note that no new material has been posted since 2008, and links have not been updated.

    For more recent discussions of Mythic Arts, fantasy literature, and related topics, visit Terri Windling's Myth & Moor and Midori Snyder's Into the Labyrinth.

Where you'll find us now

  • Visit The Endicott Studio website here, and our news blog here.

    Visit Terri Windling's Studio here.