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July 03, 2007


Oooooh. Yum. Thanks for these, Terri. I'm up in the middle of the night looking at this. Not long ago I was up in the middle of the night here reading another piece by Midori about food. It inspired a novel idea, which I'm now researching. (I'm going to work with a real chocolatier sometime in the next few weeks. She's agreed to help me with my research. Can't wait. Thanks, Midori. I've finally come up with a plausible excuse to eat chocolate. "I'm eating it for research." Uh-huh.) These links are great! I love coming here. I am always awed and inspired.

You're welcome! And good luck.

(It's mid-morning here in England.)

My almost grown up son and daughter remember fondly our Summer trips to the library, where we found "Heckedy Peg", a tale about a witch who turns a large family of children into food. Their mother must rescue them by naming each dish for the correct child. Wonderful art and story by Audry Wood and Don Wood.
It is coming on to High Summer here in Middle Tennessee. Tomatoes, squash and watermelons are abundant. It is time for grilled salmon, with fresh rosemary and lemon, washed down with white wine and followed by raspberry sorbet! Is your mouth watering yet?! Thanks for this subject today!

Speaking of the Frouds, just a reminder that Faerieworlds is fast approaching & people might want to start making wings! The site says something about tickets almost sold out, but I don't know if that's an advertising ploy or actuality.

There's nothing like some tea and sandwiches with a good book, and it's very fun to find it within too.

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About this blog

  • The Journal of Mythic Arts was a pioneering online magazine dedicated to Mythic Arts: literary, visual, and performance arts inspired by myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Published by The Endicott Studio, co-edited by Terri Windling & Midori Snyder, JoMA ran from 1997 to 2008.

    This blog was active from 2006 - 2008, and is kept online as an archive only. Please note that no new material has been posted since 2008, and links have not been updated.

    For more recent discussions of Mythic Arts, fantasy literature, and related topics, visit Terri Windling's Myth & Moor and Midori Snyder's Into the Labyrinth.

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  • Visit The Endicott Studio website here, and our news blog here.

    Visit Terri Windling's Studio here.