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February 22, 2007


How absolutely horrible! I'm glad that local press is writing about it, at least.

That is simply horrific, Terri! Because of my Mom, a fiber artist, and now as an artist myself, I have always lived among working artists. They had no ego problems, and as you said, they worked. Everyone within such communities understand that for the communities to exist successfully, everyone must support one another. In a country overrun with shopping malls, artists maintain society's soul!

To drive off such amazing artists as yourself, Becky, and Stu (as well as the others) is shortsighted and a loss. What a foolish woman.

That's irritating and terrible, and -- there isn't much else to be said about that. Hopefully, she'll get no laurels for her vision, and y'all will make some other part of Tucson interesting and vibrant.

Same thing happened to my former studio building in New York, also run by a small nonprofit arts organization. The founders of the organization were genuine and terrific; then they moved on and a new administrator came in, a woman more interested in furthering her career and looking good in the press than in supporting art and artists. She was good at fundraising though, good at throwing parties for Wall Street types, so the nonprofit's board thought she was great, with all this money pouring in. It took a long time before the board realized what a foul reputation she had with local artists, which was giving the whole organization a bad smell. And donors didn't realize that all the money they were coughing up was going to this administrator's fancy offices, web site, etc. and never actually funded artists or art at all... The nonprofit's board did finally wise up and get rid of her. People like that don't tend to last, they don't function well in the long haul. They make too many enemies.

In the meantime, hang in there, get yourselves a better space, and keep creating.

And here's some advice I read on Salon the other day that might apply here: You Tooleshed artists only had to deal with this MOCA woman for a little while, and now you can move on and leave her behind. She has to deal with herself (and the chaos her attitudes will continue to create) for the rest of her life.

Great site you have here, by the way. Glad to have discovered it.

I knew Tooleshed in its heyday when Dave and James were running it. What a great place, what a boon to Tucson arts. I saw your work, Terry and Becky, during a couple of Open Studios. Saw some of Becky's work at Dinnerware, I think it was, too. Very unusual, beautiful, inspiring work, both of you. Such a shame to think of you all gone from the Big Blue Building (as my husband calls it). We;ve been hearing about what's going on with Moca from other artists and the whole thing stinks. I'm glad Tucson Weekly reported on what's happened there. Also glad to find this blog. I didn't even know there was such a thing as "mythic art" and now I'm intrigued......

This fills me with sadness.

It's tragic, outrageous, and a terrible loss for Tucson. I have a suspicion of public agendas to dissimilate strong communities, whether ethnic, religious, or cultural, through urban planning & renewal, to produce a sterile, isolated & disconnected consumerist society living in fear. Voices crying in the wilderness, such as artists, are less threatening if they are alone. I hope you are able to remain in Tucson, and continue to create. Your artwork deeply moves me, and it's a travesty that you should lose your studio to politics.

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  • The Journal of Mythic Arts was a pioneering online magazine dedicated to Mythic Arts: literary, visual, and performance arts inspired by myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Published by The Endicott Studio, co-edited by Terri Windling & Midori Snyder, JoMA ran from 1997 to 2008.

    This blog was active from 2006 - 2008, and is kept online as an archive only. Please note that no new material has been posted since 2008, and links have not been updated.

    For more recent discussions of Mythic Arts, fantasy literature, and related topics, visit Terri Windling's Myth & Moor and Midori Snyder's Into the Labyrinth.

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