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January 31, 2007


In December I saw most of an extraordinary film version of 'The Snow Queen' produced by the BBC. It is live action but all the imagery has been agumented by digital technology with textures, colors and layered landscapes that bring with it an amazing other worldly 'fairy tale' world. Very nicely acted too. I believe that it is now out on DVD.
Here's the link:


What a fantastic idea for a blog. I work in the mental health field and have seen over and over the healing power of art and music. I think it offers those who hurt a way to express themselves in a more openly than they would if they were just talking and it provides a common ground for people to meet to offer help and healing to those who hurt.

Wonderful blog post. I enjoyed reading this. I'm doing an internship right now counseling children and adolescents and will likely work in that setting when I graduate. I love it. Abuse is an issue that comes up repeatedly and I believe strongly in the power of literature and images in helping a child cope with such a traumatic thing. Thanks again for a great read.

I just now discovered that the Endicott Studio finally has a blog, something I had wanted to see for a long time, and I couldn't be happier. It's everything I had hoped for. Thank you, and keep it coming!

Many, many thanks for the mention of my new blog and for yesterday and today's wonderful posts. Anderson's story "The Snow Queen," made such a strong impression on me as a child, and I know there is more to discover as I re-read it in light of new found awareness. Can't wait to check out the BBC DVD!


I hope those of you who are new to this blog will go back and take a look at the original post on Meg, November 7th, 2006 -- which contains links to various books, articles, and websites pertaining to the healing power of fairy tales and mythic fiction.

Here's the direct link:

wooow! great blog, this is a cool blog for my illustration reference, thanks.. keep up the good work! I'm really glad I found this blog..

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About this blog

  • The Journal of Mythic Arts was a pioneering online magazine dedicated to Mythic Arts: literary, visual, and performance arts inspired by myth, folklore, and fairy tales. Published by The Endicott Studio, co-edited by Terri Windling & Midori Snyder, JoMA ran from 1997 to 2008.

    This blog was active from 2006 - 2008, and is kept online as an archive only. Please note that no new material has been posted since 2008, and links have not been updated.

    For more recent discussions of Mythic Arts, fantasy literature, and related topics, visit Terri Windling's Myth & Moor and Midori Snyder's Into the Labyrinth.

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  • Visit The Endicott Studio website here, and our news blog here.

    Visit Terri Windling's Studio here.