Our Sunday poem today is a gorgeous, subversive piece full of fairy tale allusions: "Obedience, or the Lying Tale" by Jennifer Chang. It appears on the Poetry Daily website, and was originally published in the Virginia Quarterly Review. Chang lives in New Jersey, where she teaches in the creative writing program at Rutgers University. Her work has appeared in Barrow Street, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, New England Review, Best New Poets 2005, and other publications. She's a past winner of the Campbell Corner Poetry Prize, among other honors.
The Campbell Corner for Poetry, Myth, and Philosophy (named for mythologist Joseph Campbell) is hosted by the Sarah Lawrence Language Exchange. Submission information for the 2007 poetry contest can be found here.
The art above is by Gustave Dore, from Les Contes de Perrault, dessins par Gustave Dore (Paris: J. Hetzel, 1867).