A Million Little Mermaids by Virgina Borges
Shimchong, the Blindman's Daughter by Heinz Insu Fenkl
The Arabian Nights: The Tale of the Puzzle of the Tales by Gregory Frost
Portuguese Fairy Tale Theatre: The Art of Transformation by Howard Gayton
Baba Yaga in Film by James Graham
Donkeyskin, Deerskin, Allerleirauh: The Reality of the Fairy Tale by Helen Pilinovsky
Russian Fairy Tales: The Fantastic Traditions of the East and the West by Helen Pilinovsky
Russian Fairy Tales: Baba Yaga's Domain by Helen Pilinovsky
Brother and Sister: A Matter of Seeing by Ellen Steiber
Bluebeard and the Bloody Chamberby Terri Windling **
Cinderella: Ashes, Blood, and the Slipper of Glass by Terri Windling **
Death in Folklore & Fairy Tales by Terri Windling **
Hans Christian Andersen: Father of the Modern Fairy Tale by Terri Windling **
Little Red Riding Hood: The Path of Needles or the Path of Pins by Terri Windling **
Married to Magic: Animal Brides & Bridegrooms by Terri Windling **
Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Adult Fairy Tales by Terri Windling **
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair by Terri Windling **
The Poisoned Apple: The Story of Snow White by Terri Windling **
What Has Disney Done to Beauty and her Beast? by Terri Windling **
Wild Sanctuary: The Handless Maiden by Terri Windling **
** These links will take you to Terri Windling's Myth & Moor site, where Terri's JoMA articles are now archived.